Athlone Toastmasters hosts annual humorous speech and table topics contest

Athlone Toastmasters recently hosted its annual Humorous Speech and Table Topics contest in the surrounds of the Creggan Court Hotel.

Athlone Toastmasters recently hosted its annual Humorous Speech and Table Topics contest in the surrounds of the Creggan Court Hotel.

Athlone Toastmasters recently hosted its annual Humorous Speech and Table Topics contest in the surrounds of the Creggan Court Hotel.

With a priceless air of levity, laughter and learning in the room, the audience was entertained with speeches on a variety of topics ranging from the journey through weight loss, the experience of being on mute online or in person and what we can learn from our grannies about ageing.

For the Table Topics contest, all contestants delivered a one-two minute impromptu speech on the topic, ‘Apart from your mobile phone, what would you always carry with you’.

Fellow Toastmaster clubs continue to practice and progress their communication skills by taking on some of the important roles that ensured the competition was conducted in a professional manner with Charles Malone, Division Director, performing the role of Contest Chair. Athlone Toastmasters would like to express its gratitude to all the functionaries and competitors for helping the contest run so smoothly.

In the Humorous Speech contest, Siobhán Keenan Fitzgerald placed first while Sharon Dooley took first place in Table Topics. The top two competitors in each contest proceed to the Midlands area final which will take place in Tullamore on November 4.

Athlone Toastmasters also confirmed that the following stage of this contest, the divisional stage, will take place in the Creggan Court Hotel on Saturday, November 18, at 12pm. Yes, Athlone has the privilege of hosting the division final of the Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests. The Division contests will see speakers from Enniskillen to Limerick, and all areas in between, compete for a much-coveted place in the District 71 (UK and Ireland ) finals which will take place next May in Portlaoise.

Athlone Toastmasters invites you to attend the Division final on November 18. Don’t we all need a little humour in our lives! As they say, laughter is the best medicine. You will be guaranteed more than a few laughs on the day and you will be very warmly welcomed.

Tickets can be purchased on the day at the event and cost only €10.

Athlone Toastmasters meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 8.15pm in the Creggan Court Hotel, but you can also join us online, as meetings are hybrid.

You can find out more about Athlone Toastmasters at


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