Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park to host family friendly orienteering this Sunday

An afternoon of family friendly activity awaits, as Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park in Moate hosts FREE orienteering on Sunday (August 13 ) from 12.30pm to 2pm.

Thanks to funding from Westmeath Sport Partnership, Orienteering Ireland have mapped six different courses including an accessible course in the perennially popular amenity park.

Download the MapRun 6 app on your smart phone, follow the registration steps and you are ready to go. Hard copy maps will also be available on launch day.

What to expect on launch day?

A trained tutor will be on hand to guide you through the steps of orienteering and answer any queries. Once you get an understanding of what to do, you will be free to enjoy the outdoors individually, or within your family or group, and complete as many courses as you wish, at your own pace.

This event is free, but registration is essential via Eventbrite.

For more information visit Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park on Facebook @DunNaSiPark or Instagram @dunnasi.


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