Volunteer work of local organisations recognised at Cathaoirleach awards ceremony

Pictured, l-r, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, Noel McCormack, Streamstown Tidy Towns, Cllr Tom Farrell and Rose of Tralee 2023, Ms Rachael Duffy

Pictured, l-r, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, Noel McCormack, Streamstown Tidy Towns, Cllr Tom Farrell and Rose of Tralee 2023, Ms Rachael Duffy

ronan fagan

Prior to completing his term as Cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke hosted his annual awards ceremony at which groups and organisations from within the county were recognised for their continuing endeavours and commitment to their respective communities.

Guest speaker on the occasion was current Rose of Tralee, Rachel Duffy, who was warmly welcomed to Belvedere House by the Cathaoirleach, Cllr O’Rourke noting the Rosemount native to be a “very proud Westmeath woman with a positive outlook on life who has become a role model for young females in her native county and beyond”.

In his address, Cllr O’Rourke, spoke of his pride at being appointed to the role of Cathaoirleach in 2022, serving the prime County Council position being a “huge honour” in his political career to date.

Noting the awards recognised those volunteers who add value to their communities, the Cathaoirleach stressed that it was fitting that such work was rewarded at the awards ceremony.

“I am delighted to be here on this beautiful evening in Belvedere to welcome you all to the Westmeath County Council Cathaoirleach’s awards celebration. Belvedere is a great setting for this event. I, along with my colleagues, are great supporters of this wonderful facility – and that support will continue.

“For me, this is definitely one of the most important events in my year as Cathaoirleach, because, like you I am involved in community initiatives. Where I can, I volunteer my time to support local communities and I really enjoy it.

“After all, we are all stakeholders in our communities – we have in my view a responsibility to do our bit for one another and for our communities, but in my work, I see and come across some extraordinary people making an extraordinary difference. This evening, we will recognise these people and these groups and it is only right and proper that this kind of commitment and contribution to our communities is indeed recognised and acknowledged.

“By participating fully in their community, the people we will honour this evening not only help to create a better place, but their efforts also encourage and benefit others and, in some cases, even benefit those far beyond our shores.

“Those nominated to be recipients of an award are here tonight, nominated by their respective organisations. We have five category winners and one overall winner, I was honoured to sign Certificates of Recognition for 19 worthy nominees to the competition. It was no easy task to select award winners and in any case, each group/person nominated is very much a winner already. So, I look forward to presenting the prizes later on in this evenings proceedings.

“It’s true to say that all of you here this evening are active citizens, sending out a positive message about what is happening in your community, inspiring others and contributing to the well-being of society.

Some of you are volunteering with adults, youth groups and older people, some are active in Tidy Towns and in residents’ associations, some of you are involved in sports organisations working with the young and not so young, others of you are involved in the arts and culture – music and bands, some who have served the state with distinction at home and served in peacekeeping abroad and are now looking after your less fortunate former colleagues, some of you are working in the community to keep us all safe and, of course, there are those of you who tirelessly fundraise for those less fortunate than ourselves.

“To all of you - thank you to you and to your families for your contribution to your club, your community, your village, your town and our county,” Cllr O’Rourke stated.

Concluding, Cllr O’Rourke expressed his gratitudeto those involved with the organisation of the Cathaoirleach’s awards ceremony.

“I would like to thank Annette Barr Jordan for all of the organisation that has gone in to this evening’s event and those working with Annette Ursula Harper, Breda Reynolds, Laura Costello, Andrew Slevin, Lourdes Neary, Margaret Egan, Annemarie Nash and Olive Manning. Without their assistance an occasion such as this tonight would not be possible,” Cllr O’Rourke remarked.


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