Moate Tidy Towns group elect new officers at in-person post pandemic AGM

Moate Tidy Towns recently hosted an in-person AGM in Tuar Ard Arts Centre, their first such gathering post Covid-19 pandemic.

The meeting was well attended and outgoing committee members, Jimmy Redmond, Gaye Connolly and Joe Evans were thanked for their efforts. Gaye was particularly thanked for facilitating the partnership with St Hilda’s during her term on the committee. The meeting also expressed praise for the tireless effort made by Joe Evans to keep the town clean and tidy.

A new committee was elected, the following of whom are the officers.

Chairperson: John Galvin, Vice Chairman: Turlough O Brien, Secretary: Angela Walsh Brown, Assistant Secretary: Nuala McDermott, Treasurer: Kay Bannon, Ass Treasurer: James Glynn and PRO: Joe Whelan.

The three Councillors present (Cllr John Dolan, Cllr Tom Farrell and Cllr Vinny McCormack ) gave very strong commitments that Westmeath County Council would be very supportive of a new committee. Cllr McCormack stated that the council will have to improve their input into Moate, but he could not say how this would happen practically. However, both he and Cllr Tom Farrell emphasised that the council 'would not be found wanting '.

The new committee held a brief meeting to agree an agenda for the coming months. First on the list of tasks is to conduct an audit of what needs to be addressed in the town and to prepare an application for the Tidy Towns Competition 2024.

The committee will keep everyone updated of upcoming events through Facebook and would be delighted with any offers of help and support

Anyone with ideas can contact the committee through its Facebook page or email,


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