Dogs Trust warns owners of summer danger as majority of heatstroke cases caused by exercise

Dogs Trust Ireland is warning people of the serious dangers of heatstroke this summer, with many cases caused by simply walking a dog during hot weather. Photograph: ©Fran Veale

Dogs Trust Ireland is warning people of the serious dangers of heatstroke this summer, with many cases caused by simply walking a dog during hot weather. Photograph: ©Fran Veale

With temperatures set to soar, Dogs Trust Ireland is reminding the public to keep their furry friends safe in the sun.

The charity is urging owners not to take any risks when it comes to their dog’s safety in hot weather, especially when it comes to exercise.

A veterinary study commissioned by Dogs Trust in 2020, found the most common cause of potentially fatal heatstroke is dogs being exercised by their owners. This can include dogs walking, playing, or running with their owners and was responsible for 74% of heat stroke cases. Over two thirds of these cases occurred after simply walking in the heat so, Dogs Trust is appealing to owners to avoid taking their dogs out during the hottest times of the day. The charity recommends walking dogs early in the morning or late in the evening instead.

Common signs of heatstroke to watch out for in dogs include panting heavily, drooling excessively, appearing lethargic, drowsy, or uncoordinated, vomiting, collapsing or diarrhoea. If heatstroke is suspected, seek veterinary attention immediately, the sooner this happens, the better chance the dog has of making a full recovery.

“Dogs aren’t able to cool themselves down as effectively as people, and they have to rely on panting or releasing small amounts of heat through their paw pads. When the air and ground temperatures rise, it becomes much more difficult for them to do this so, they can overheat very easily.

If you think your dog might be suffering from heatstroke, it’s vital that you quickly move them to a cooler location and contact your vet immediately for advice. Describe your dog’s symptoms to your vet, while making an active attempt to cool them down. Offer them cool, but not cold, water to drink and pour small amounts of room temperature water on their body. The main goal is to return their body temperature to normal as quickly as possible, but not so quickly as to cause shock,” Niamh Curran Kelly, Veterinary and Welfare Manager, Dogs Trust Ireland, explained.

The charity is also reminding dog owners of the ever-important message; never ever leave your dog alone in a car on a warm day. Just a few minutes in a hot car can be fatal to your dog, with temperatures inside rising from 22 to 33 degrees in just 10 minutes. Contrary to what some people may think, parking in the shade and leaving windows down, does very little to keep temperatures low, so please don’t put your dog’s life at risk.


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