Employability Midlands formally launches updated and improved website

The Tullamore Library was the venue for the successful launch of Employability Midlands’ updated and improved website. www.employabilitymidlands.com

The event was well attended by the staff, board of management, customers, project funders and other interested parties, Tony Reilly, project co-ordinator and MC on the day explaining the purpose of the organisation to all those present.

A not-for-profit company, Employability Midlands are funded by the Department of Social Protection, their aim being to secure and maintain employment in the open labour market for individuals with a disability. Support is offered for all disabilities, ranging from physical, intellectual, sensory, mental health as well as all forms of hidden disabilities. Support, information and advice is also available to employers who may wish to employ someone with a disability. The process is a team effort between employee, employer and the Employment Officer.

The first of three guest speakers was Ciaran Mullooly, former RTE Correspondent. Before officially launching the website, he paid tribute to the work of Employability Midlands and their contribution to improving the lives of those with a disability. Ciaran saw their work first hand when he was involved in hiring staff for the Lough Ree Access for All initiative. He praised the design of the website and the information therein and said it clearly addressed all queries one might have with regards to seeking work or employing someone with a disability.

Mr Stephen Keogh then spoke about the benefits he found from engaging with Employability Midlands, how it improved his confidence and is helping him to work towards his employment goals. Through a work placement he was responsible for the successful introduction of the dog fouling initiative in Tullamore and other Offaly towns and he currently sits on the Offaly County Council Housing Committee for people with disabilities. He attributes his advancement to date to the support he is receiving from Employability Midlands.

The final speaker at the event was David Whelan, the Chairperson of Employability Midlands’ Board of Management and Occupational Guidance specialist with the HSE. In his address, Mr Whelan said it was an honour to hold the position of Chair of the Board of an organisation that worked tirelessly to achieve success for their participants and he thanked the staff and voluntary Board for all their hard work.

If you are an employer who would like to hire someone with a disability, or if you or someone you know has a disability and needs support to embark on the journey to employment please contact our head office on 057 9323901. Alternatively, check out our user-friendly website www.employabilitymidlands.com for details of your local Employment Office


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