Athlone Photography Club host successful table quiz in Bounty Bar

Brains were teased last Friday night at the Athlone Photography Club Table quiz that took place in the Bounty Bar, Athlone.

Quizmaster for the night, the lively Tom Cunningham, ensured a lively flow to the occasion, adding humour and the odd hint at an answer.

The tally counters, Brigid Mulloly and Helen Cunningham tallied the scores during the night, with some tight score lines keeping the pressure on the tables throughout. The co-ordinating team on the night of Sean Ganly, Philip McLoughlin, Anthony Demion and Anthony Dolan made sure everyone was looked after, a successful raffle was run and the quiz ran on time.

Club chairman, Liam Kidney, thanked the spot prize sponsors, John Galvin Art, Carraig Donn Athlone, Flowers by Dooleys, Hugmie Athlone, Tom Moran/New Beginnings Counselling & Psychotherapy Centre, Shannon Academy, Tesco Athlone, McGorisks Pharmacy, McSharry’s Pharmacy, Brigid Mullooly, Prince of Wales Hotel and Vienna Hair Salon for their support of the event. He also thanked all of the team who came together to make it such an enjoyable night and very well run.

In total, 14 tables with people from Westmeath, Offaly and Roscommon participated, competing for the top prize, four copies of the newly released macro photography book PORTAL, an immersive visual exploration through the realms of unique flora and fauna within Ireland’s bogs, wetlands and eskers, revealing the hidden gems that have lived and evolved for millennia, by Midlands based photographer, Tina Claffey. Ciaran Burke and his winning team were thrilled to be going home with the title of ‘Quiz Champions’ and a copy of the book each.

The Athlone Photography Club meets every second Wednesday, usually in the Abbey Road Artists’ Studios, located across from the Radisson Blu in Athlone. They are on Facebook, and Instagram if you would like to learn more or get in touch with the club.


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