Athlone Credit Union ‘Go Green’ with ‘Beebomb’ wildflower seed donations to local primary schools

Athlone Credit Union is going Green…

As a community-based co-operative, Athlone Credit Union is continuously looking for ways it can support an environmentally friendly ethos.

As part of a 'Go Green' campaign, Athlone Credit Union are donating 'Beebombs' – wildflower seed packs to all local schools in Athlone, Beebombs being a fantastic initiative to help bring the bees back.

Huge swathes of wildflower habitat have been lost over the last 100 years. This loss of traditional habitat is having a devastating effect on bee and butterfly populations throughout the developed world.

Biodiversity is crucial for the environment as it provides functioning ecosystems that supply oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of plants, pest control, wastewater treatment and many ecosystem services. Bees are a key component of successful biodiversity.

With Beebomb wildflower seed packs you can re-create these lost habitats and to help bring the bees back. Beebombs need no gardening skill and can be scattered straight onto open ground at any time of the year. Once scattered, you don't need to water or tend your Beebombs.

"We hope that these Beebomb donations will inspire local schools and young people to think "Green" and join us in doing their part to support their local environment," Michael Evans, CEO Athlone Credit Union said of the donations.

To find out more about how members of Athlone Credit Union can help Athlone Credit Union 'Go Green', log on to the 'Go Green' section on or drop into the offices at Irishtown and Monksland.


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