Athlone Pop-Up Gaeltacht group offer Irish language rights solidarity support

At the most recent gathering of Athlone Pop-Up Gaeltacht, members took time out of their weekly meeting to offer solidarity to those in the six counties organising a march in support of Irish language rights.

An Lá Dearg commenced in 2017, when Irish speakers from around the country took to the streets demanding the Irish Language Act promised in the St Andrews agreement be implemented.

In Belfast in recent days thousands attended the 2022 march, with a contingent from Athlone’s Pop-Up also present.

“The fact that people in the six counties of this country are still being denied basic language rights is an indictment of the political system there. We in Athlone Pop-Up Gaeltacht offer our full solidarity to those struggling for language recognition.

“The Irish language belongs to everyone in Ireland, regardless of their background, religion or ethnicity, and it is extremely frustrating to see our language being used as a political football in the six counties,” local Irish language activist Ruairí O’Concubhair, explained.

Athlone Pop-Up Gaeltacht, which takes place every Thursday at 9pm in Dead Centre Brewery offers a fun, inclusive environment for people of all ages and backgrounds to practice and learn the language.

New members are always welcome and further details can be found on Athlone Pop-Up Gaeltacht’s Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram.


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