Teaching children to cook with Little Lou Cooks

A professionally trained and qualified chef, Lou teaches children to cook with real ingredients in her online cooking classes.

Her menus are exciting, well thought out, and packed full of colour and flavour. Popular classes have been Mexican burritos and oaty apple muffins, as well as Spanish tortilla with red pepper sauce and chocolate energy balls.

“Teaching our kids to cook is more important than ever. The supermarket shelves are full of processed foods, making it more difficult for us and our kids to make good food choices. Teaching young kids skills to cook from scratch will empower them to cook and eat well when they grow up," Lou enthused.

Lou's classes are suitable for primary aged children, five to 12 years. Some of the children who sign up have an interest in baking and cooking, while others need a bit of encouragement trying new foods. Cooking classes are a great way to expose children to new flavours.

“Parents have told me that they want to teach their kids to cook but finding the time is difficult. They have found that signing their child up to my fortnightly Sunday cooking classes has set out the time for them to learn to cook. And they say the best part is the whole family gets to enjoy what their child has proudly cooked," Lou added.

Classes can be booked individually, prices start at €12.50 or book four and save.

To book a class go directly to littleloucooks.clr.events/event/131654:kids-online-cooking-classes

Follow Lou on Instagram or Facebook @littleloucooks.


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