Local Minister of State welcomes reform of senior education cycle

Local Fianna Fáil Minister of State, Deputy Robert Troy, has afforded his thoughts to the Athlone Advertiser this week as details of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA ) Advisory Report on Senior Cycle Review were formally announced.

A comprehensive and ambitious report, changes to the Leaving Certificate cycle will take effect from 2024 with written examinations at the close of the academic year representing 60 percent of marks in all subjects with the remaining 40 percent to be achieved through continuous assessment.

There will be two subjects added to the senior cycle curriculum, namely climate action and sustainable development and film, drama and theatre studies.

“As the weather turns finer, many of us think back to previous years and the last stretch before exams start,” Minister Troy said. “As the sun shines, it is timely then that we see the announcement of a major reform of the senior cycle to deliver a curriculum that is modern, flexible and meets the diverse needs of students.

“This week the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA ) Advisory Report on senior cycle review was published and set out an ambitious plan for senior cycle reform. It is the product of an enormous effort working closely with many parts of society and, in particular, with those whose lives are lived in schools – teachers and students. It is enriched greatly by the extensive consultation that was undertaken – including over 4,000 written responses to a general survey – and is a culmination of international research, focus groups, national seminar events, public consultations, analysis and a number of published reports.

“When we reform, we must reform for the better and ensure that there is a tangible improvement in the experience of our young people who go through the senior cycle.

“The reimagined senior cycle will work to ensure that all learning pathways in school are accessible and equally valued, and that the diversity of students’ learning needs and strengths are addressed. Importantly, it will also further embed wellbeing in the curriculum and in our schools and will help reduce student stress levels.

“In practice this new approach will support students to follow a broad curriculum, develop their interests and skills and participate in a final assessment process consistent with international best practice. This will support students in their next phase of life whether third level, further education and training, apprenticeships or the world of work.

“The assessment of subjects is being redeveloped so that the final written exam paper is worth a maximum of 60 percent. This will guarantee that every subject has an additional component, assessed by teachers and externally moderated by the State Examinations Commission (SEC ), which will be worth 40 percent. This will begin with the introduction of revised curriculums in several subjects from 2024 and will be school-based with external moderation and involvement from the State Examinations Commission.

“We will see welcome new updated subject content across the senior cycle. I am pleased to see two new subjects will be added to the curriculum. Given that climate change remains the single biggest issue facing society as a whole, students will be able to study climate action and sustainable development, as well as film, drama and theatre studies.

“A revised transition year programme statement from 2024 will guide schools in providing an updated TY experience for students.

“Importantly, the reform measures recognise the different strengths of our students and the Leaving Certificate Established, the Leaving Cert Applied and the Vocational Programme will work to remove barriers across the three programmes and offer flexible learning so that the different types and styles of learning within each of the programmes will be available to all students.

“I completely agree with An Taoiseach’s perspective on education when he said that it is the ‘single most powerful driver of opportunity, of economic prosperity, of social progress’ and that it ‘transforms lives, communities and countries’.

“In an ever-changing modern world, each country needs to have an evolving and responsive education system. Our students are European and global students, and we must support them to maintain their rightful place amongst the world’s best students.”


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