Athlone Golf Club prepares to host annual Winter League final play-off

The Winter League final play-off will take place on Saturday (February 12 ), the top 16 teams having qualified for this stage of the competition.

The format is a shotgun start commencing at 9.30am with players reminded that they must sign into the computer prior to playing and enter their score after completing their round, failure to do so resulting in disqualification of the player.

The playoff will be over 18 holes, off the yellow markers, unless conditions dictate otherwise. The 16th hole will be a par four as per the score card. The best three scores of each team will count, the decisions of the competitions committee being final.

The leading five teams are as follows:-

1. Team 19- Frankie Donnelly- 474 pts; 2. Team 17- Eamonn Kenny- 471 pts; 3. Team 9- Leo Flynn- 470 pts; 4. Team 16- Derek Kenna- 469 pts; 5. Team 15- Paul Hunter- 467 pts.

The time sheet, final team positions and competition play-off regulations are displayed on the main noticeboard outside the pro shop. Please note that the timesheet is reserved on Saturday, February 12, from sunrise until 3pm.

Ladies Winter League

The Ladies Winter League is nearing completion and it is proposed to have the final on Sunday, March 5.

Some important dates from the Ladies calendar.

Tuesday, April 26 - Committee prize; Tuesday, June 14 - Captain Thomas O’Connor’s prize; Tuesday, June 28 - President Sam Delaney’s prize and Sunday July 17 - Lady Captain Frances McGettigan’s prize.

Athlone Golf Club Ladies results

Ladies 12 holes weekly competition - Saturday, January 29 and Tuesday, February 1

1st - Cepta McLoughlin (45 ) 21 pts

2nd - Anna Walsh (26 ) (23-2 ) 21 pts B9

3rd - Sheila Geraghty (25 ) (19-1 ) 18 pts B9

97 Club Thursday 3rd February 2022

1st - Chris Fuery (38 ) (23-1 ) 22 pts

2nd - Yvonne Walsh (15 ) (23-2 ) 21 pts

3rd - Anna Walsh (26 ) 20 pts


Athlone Golf Club extends its deepest sympathy to member Maura Kelly on the recent death of her father, Michael. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.

Senior members of the club will be saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Fr John Condon of Ferrybank in Waterford. Fr John was actually the Golf Professional in Athlone in the early sixties and was succeeded by Martin Quinn, still hale and hearty, in 1967. John resigned from his position in Athlone and went on to study for the priesthood. He returned many times over the years to enjoy a round of golf and visit with his good friends, Martin and Madeleine Quinn. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.

The members of Athlone Golf Club extend their sympathy to the relatives and friends of PJ (Poncho ) Murray. PJ was the chief photographer for many many years in the club and was renowned for his professionalism, great patience and wit on presentation nights. His attention to detail was legendary. One of his favourite sayings as he prepared a photo shoot was ‘the camera never lies’. Rest well PJ.


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