Ensure you adhere to essential food waste prevention tips

Did you know, every household in Ireland is responsible for approximately 117kg of food waste per year?

That is between €400 and €1,000 per household per year thrown INTO THE BIN!

It’s not just a waste of your hard earned cash, food waste sent to landfill does not harmlessly break down but instead releases methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

Where possible, there needs to be more focus on preventing food waste, and the Aldi Ambassador, Trisha Lewis, has some top tips that have helped her in the reduction of food waste.

Reducing food waste can be really easy and so satisfying. Having empty shelves in your fridge on the day of your food shop means you know you have done your best to use everything you have!

Top food waste prevention tips

•Prepare a meal plan.

•Use the system FIFO - first in first out - rotate your food and bring the oldest to the front always so it is the first one you grab.

•Make a shopping list! Planning your meals before you head to the shop helps you pick up the items you need.

•Buy frozen green vegetables as a backup for when fresh run out towards the end of the week.

•Pay attention to the use by dates and make sure you know the difference between “use by” and “best before”. Use by means that you must use it by this date for it to be safe to eat and best before means that it is at its best quality before this date.

•Watch your portion size - if you are like me and when I cook pasta, I cook enough to feed an army - my top tip here would be to measure your pasta out and only cook what you need to avoid the excess going into the bin.

•Freeze food before its use by date. I often freeze fresh berries after two days in the fridge and use them in my oats or smoothies.Use your leftovers the next day- so if you make boiled potatoes for dinner and you have too many, think of what you can do the next day - make a soup or sauté them for example.

Further food waste prevention essentials

Eco friendly cleaner - oranges and lemons are a brilliant cleaning agent. Not only are they an acid antibacterial, they smell great. Stick all those used citrus peels in vinegar for two weeks (or more ), then mix 50/50 with water. An incredible homemade eco-friendly disinfectant!

Cheese Fondue - do not throw away those precious bits of cheese. Melt it in a creamy fondue or make a good toasty. Maybe whip up a creamy macaroni and cheese for supper. That’s what leftover cheese is for. Cheese rinds also pack a flavour punch when used in soups and broths.

Eye Masks - we’re not kidding. Chilled potato peels are a great way to freshen up tired eyes. It’s because starch is an anti-inflammatory, which makes it perfect for reducing puffiness and dark circles. Leave on for about 20 minutes for best results.

Homemade ice cream - if your milk is near its end date then don’t throw it away. Make something delicious instead like a homemade Blueberry Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream. A tangy treat for every ice cream lover.

Homemade Dog Biscuits - don’t do it! Don’t throw away those old bananas. The dogs will love those mashed up with 500ml of water, 30g honey, an egg and 500g wholemeal flour. Bake for 25 minutes at 170°C and see how their tails wag.

• Try out this fun and tasty recipe to get you started on your food waste reduction journey

Vegetable Peel Crisps

Serves: 4 people

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes


500g Peelings from Root Vegetables

50ml Solesta Vegetable Oil

1 x tsp Crushed Nature’s Pick Garlic

1 x tsp Stonemill Paprika


Preheat the oven to 200°C

In a large bowl mix oil, with paprika and garlic.

Toss the vegetable peelings into the oil mix.

Remove the vegetable peelings from the bowl and lay them flat on a metal baking tray.

Roast in the oven for about 8 minutes until crisp.

Remove from the oven and allow them to cool.

Serving Suggestion

Great served with a sour cream dip.


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