Timely fruit and vegetables

Well its full steam ahead for a healthy diet this new year when the excesses of Christmas becomes a distant memory.

Although these days most fruits and vegetables are available throughout the year, flown in from around the world, we should not forget that even in the depths of winter there are some seasonal fruits and vegetables locally grown, available and at their best at this time of the year.

With the colder weather and the long dark evening we really start to crave comfort foods, lovely stews, soups and curries. So it is appropriate therefore that Mother Nature has provided that the bases of most of these meals are the vegetables in season now.

Seasonal vegetables would be root type vegetables such as potatoes, turnips, parsnips and carrots, but other vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and broccoli, Brussel sprouts and leeks. All of these vegetables are great either, roasted, steamed, boiled but as mentioned they are great additions to casseroles, stews, added to curries or soups.

Fruits can be more difficult – it is tempting to go for the foreign produced soft fruits but the downside is that as they have travelled so far they can be expensive. But the good news is that locally grown apples and pears are bang on seasonally, they can be a bit hard so a great way to serve them is stewed. With lashing of custard (made with low fat milk! ) they are definitely a great way to heat you up after that winter walk.

By choosing the best of what this season has to offer not only will we be healthier, we will also save on food miles thereby saving the planet! Not to mention supporting the great local farmers. Ta Dah our Halos will arrive any day now!

Check out Bord Bia to get the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables: www.bordbia.ie For more information or for more information on diet and nutrition, please contact: The Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service, HSE Dublin-Mid Leinster Tel: (044 ) 9395518 or email [email protected].


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