Portiuncula University Hospital issues visitor update

Following new national guidance on visiting, visitors to Portiuncula hospital will be asked to produce their EU Digital Covid Certificate or HSE Covid-19 Vaccination Record or other proof of immunity at the entrance.

There are exemptions from the requirement for the EU Digital Covid Certificate or HSE Covid-19 Vaccination Record or other proof of immunity, on compassionate grounds.

Anyone coming to the hospital must complete a Covid-19 screening checklist which is a verbal questionnaire and follow the public health guidance, including wearing a face mask and performing good hand hygiene regularly.

“We know how important it is for patients to have a visitor every day and we are trying to balance this need with the need to reduce the footfall in the hospital due to the current high number of Covid-19 cases in the community.

“Access to visitors is limited to one person per patient each day between 3pm and 4.30pm. We ask that the nominated support person (visitor ) telephones the relevant ward in advance to book a visit. The contact details for the ward are given to the patient when they are admitted.

“There are separate arrangements in place for access to the maternity department for nominated support partners.

“We are grateful to the public for their ongoing co-operation in ensuring we can facilitate visiting in a safe manner to protect both patients and visitors,” James Keane, Hospital Manager, Portiuncula University Hospital, stated.


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