Council commends contributions of local communities during Positive Ageing Week

Positive Ageing Week (PAW ) is an Age Action initiative to promote the value of our older people and commend them for their contribution to local communities and to society.

Westmeath County Council’s Age Friendly Programme was delighted to be associated with this initiative and celebrated Positive Ageing Week 2021 by assembling and delivering carefully packaged hampers, activity packs and goodie bags to nursing homes and care facilities across the county.

In its nineteenth year of celebrating Positive Ageing Week, Westmeath’s Age Friendly Programme which works in line with the National Age Friendly Programme, decided to design hampers consisting of a range of toiletry products along with goodie bags containing jigsaws, word search puzzles and adult colouring books, boxes of biscuits and sweets, as well as slippers and fluffy socks.

The hampers and goodie bags were gratefully received by the staff of all the care facilities with many expressing gratitude and joy to be receiving such a nice surprise for their residents. Many spoke about the fabulous items that were packaged inside stating that they could use the items for prizes for their bingo and other activities that are carried out for the residents in the care centres.

The Westmeath Age Friendly Programme within Westmeath County Council believes this initiative is an important one to highlight and celebrate each year as it brings awareness of the need to say thank you and recognises the contribution Older People have made to our county and society.


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