The Irish Cancer Society is asking you to ‘care for your pair’ during breast cancer awareness month this October.
What are the symptoms of breast cancer?
A change in the size or shape of one breast
A change in the skin, like puckering, dimpling (like orange peel ) or redness
A change in the nipple shape or direction, like a pulled in or flattened nipple
An unusual discharge (liquid ) from one or both of your nipples
A change on or around the nipple, such as a rash or flaky or crusted skin
Swelling in your armpit or around your collarbone
A lump, any size, or thickening in your breast
Constant pain in one part of your breast or armpit
Any change in how your breast normally looks and feels.
These symptoms can be caused by other things, but always get them checked.
How can I check myself?
Get to know what is normal for you - how your breasts look and feel
Know what to look out for like lumps or other changes to the look and feel of your breast or nipple
Look for changes in the mirror and feel for changes too - when you are in the shower, when applying moisturiser or when lying down
Check all parts of your breast, your armpits and up to your collar bone
Discuss any changes with your doctor without delay
Join the Care for Your Pair movement this October. Get to know what’s normal for you and chat to two friends about breast health.
Small talk can make a big difference.