Athlone Moate Municipal District receives greenway construction update

At a recent sitting of the Athlone Moate Municipal District, elected members were afforded an update by the local authority executive on the progress of the Greenway extension and bridge construction

Construction of the greenway from the White gates to Athlone Marina is nearing completion and it is anticipated that it will be opened to the public in later part of September.

Contract for the construction of the new cycleway bridge from Athlone Marina to Athlone Castle and associated ramps and boardwalks was awarded to Jons Civil Engineering Ltd on August 22 and the contractor will commence works on site in late September. The expected completion date for the bridge is Easter 2023.

Good progress is being made in terms of landowner engagement on the Galway to Athlone cycleway project since the easing of Covid-19 restrictions allowed face to face meetings to recommence.

Six liaison officers are working on the project. Meetings have also taken place with State Agencies. Landowner engagement will continue over the next few months, following which a preferred corridor will be selected, hopefully in November where the Project Team anticipate that a route can be delivered with the consent and agreement of the large majority of landowners.

The Code of Best Practice is agreed but a substantial gap remains between both parties on agreeing a Greenway Sustainability Payment for early engagement and co-operation.

Other factors which will determine the preferred route corridor will be the ‘Five S’ criteria - to be Scenic, Sustainable, Strategic, Segregated with lots to See and do, in conjunction with environmental, engineering and financial considerations.


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