Local businessman makes generous community donation gesture

Local businessman, David Mneimne of Electro Direct, Inis Óir, made a generous donation of automatic hand sanitisers and sanitising gel to a number of community organisation in recent times.

The sanitising units complete with gel will be available for use by the numerous local community groups which avail of St Mary’s Hall for their activities.

Meeting representatives from the Gateway Youth Project, St Mary’s Karate Club and St Anthony’s School, David stated that he was impressed with the positive and progressive work of the community groups based in St Mary’s Hall and expressed his hoped that the Midlands Polish Community Association, of which he is a leading member, could offer more support and co-operation in the future.

Cllr Frankie Keena praised the generosity and practicality of the gesture, which will help activities resume in a safe way. He also noted the impressive work being done by the Midlands Polish Community Association in recent years, highlighting recent very successful fund-raising for St Hilda’s School.


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