Council commences town centre enhancement works consultation process

Plans to further regenerate the streetscape in Athlone town centre have progressed this week following the announcement by Westmeath County Council that a public consultation process for future enhancement works at Mardyke Street, Pump Lane and Sean Costello Street has formally commenced.

Funding of €4.1 million under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF ) was recently allocated towards the project, the proposed design for which will seamlessly integrate with the enhancement scheme delivered along Church Street, extending the natural stone surface treatments, street furniture and public lighting improvements along Mardyke Street and Pump Lane.

In addition, Sean Costello Street will be pedestrianised, creating an open and inviting link between the retail areas within the town centre of Athlone. The public spaces created will be accessible and appealing to all regardless of age, ability, or disability.

The regeneration team in Westmeath County Council is working with McAdam Design, a multi-disciplinary consultancy to deliver this distinct element of the Athlone Town Centre Urban Regeneration and Development Project.

Funded under Project Ireland 2040, the public realm enhancement works will promote important connections between the traditional retail core network and the Athlone’s two shopping centres increasing footfall into the heart of the town.

The creation of a new environment for retail usage is encompassed within the enhancement works, an additional feature of the project being the removal of the derelict site located at this prominent gateway into the town centre.

Town Mayor Welcomes Public Consultation

Welcoming the news this week, Athlone Town Mayor, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, encouraged members of the public to submit their views on the proposed enhancement works before the closing date of Tuesday, April 27.

“I welcome the fact that the next stage of our phased town enhancement programme is now open for public comment and consideration and I would encourage as many people as possible to consider the proposals and make a submission before the closing date of Tuesday, April 27.

“I have always wanted to witness Athlone become a progressive, modern, vibrant town competing with the best urban centres in Ireland when it comes to business, tourism, leisure and recreation. I want our town core to be a safe, vibrant and attractive place to visit, a location people wish to visit to shop, socialise, and return to again and again.

“The investment will be in the region of €4m. The triangular block in focus extends from the Corner House Bistro, to the front of Dunnes Stores, up along Pump Lane and back around by Mardyke Street. This is a substantial area of ground. The works will take approximately 12 months to complete and are likely to commence early next year.

“The funding allocation also allows for the cost of the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO ) of the O’Neill’s and Finlay sites both of which remain idle ten years after the fire that destroyed both properties. While nothing has been finalised as of yet for these sites, the most likely outcome would be that Westmeath County Council will partner with a private investor to redevelop this site.

“It is important to say that, anyone with an interest in the area in question should consider the proposals and make a submission to the council. At the time of the Church Street enhancement works three years ago, there were extensive consultation opportunities and forums which were all very well attended.

“However, today people still claim that there was no consultation, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I hope on this occasion those with an interest in this scheme will engage fully and constructively in this open process,” Cllr O’Rourke stated.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection at from March 29 up to and including April 27 2021.


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