Virtually celebrate International Women’s Day at Roscommon Arts Centre

Roscommon Arts Centre will celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8 with a day full of digital performances and events from female performers and artists from around the county.

The chosen theme is 'Choose to Challenge' and on the day, the arts centre are presenting a number of events, from poems and short stories to musical performances. All performances are free and will be available to view online.

Leonora Neary is a Roscommon born visual artist with an interest in composing and recording music. She explores the connection that musical composition holds with her visual work. During Leonora’s most recent Creative Ireland residency at Roscommon Arts Centre she explored the landscapes of Roscommon and the creative potential they possess and she has produced three new soundscapes entitled Inland/Interior which will be released as part of the IWD 2021 programme.

Emily Keane is a Roscommon-born musician living in Elphin and has a long history with traditional music and dance. She has competed in both All Ireland Fleadh competitions and Irish Worlds Championships. Emily will be performing on International Women’s Day as part of The Reel Thing: Lunchtime Tunes sessions.

Last year Roscommon Arts Centre, in collaboration with the LIVE Literary Network, produced an online digital series featuring Irish writers in conversation with Dani Gill. To celebrate IWD the interviews with the female participants will be re-released for one day only. Roscommon poet Jane Clarke features in the line-up.

Jessamine O'Connor is a Dublin born writer living on the Roscommon Sligo border. Winner of the inaugural Comórtas Filíochta Chultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich 2020, her poems have been shortlisted in competitions such as the Hennessy, Cuirt, Over the Edge, Red Line Book Fest, and Doolin Writers Weekend. As part of the arts centres IWD programme, Jessamine will be reading extracts from her recently released book Silver Spoon (Salmon Poetry ).

Full programme details are available from and all programme elements can be accessed free of charge.


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