Railway Field Road receives funding to enable works progress on town centre project

The Government has announced substantial funding totalling €800,000 towards the construction of the Railway Field Road and associated works, welcome news which was confirmed by Town Mayor, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, this week.

“I am delighted that we now have all we need in place to finally get to work on the Railway Field Road, a piece of ground situated in the centre of Athlone which has been the subject of much debate and discussion for the past twelve years or so.

“As Mayor in 2018 I was delighted that we managed to buy the land from CIE after lengthy negotiations and now, as I once again fulfil the role of First Citizen, I am very pleased that the last piece of the jigsaw is finally in place, the funding.

“I would like to thank my colleague Minister Robert Troy for his support for this project and his assistance in getting this important commitment delivered for Athlone.

“This link road will improve traffic movement in and out of Athlone along the main Ballymahon road artery. The Crescent junction was always only a temporary junction and it’s zig-zag nature was never ideal.

“However, now we can open up this area, build the necessary infrastructure and in doing so clean up this part of town substantially. As part of this project I have always committed to providing some green space to the people who live in the area, St Francis Terrace specifically, and this will also be done,” Cllr O’Rourke commented.


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