Town Mayor affords due recognition thoughts during Municipal District meeting

Reflecting upon the onset of the festive season, Town Mayor, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, afforded thoughts of gratitude and looked towards a brighter future as he addressed the Council Chamber during the December meeting of the Athlone Moate Municipal District.

“As we approach the end of what has been a year like no other, I hope that the worst of Covid-19 and all that the pandemic entails is now behind us and hopefully, as a community and a nation we can emerge from such bleak times in 2021.

“To all those who have worked on the frontline and who continue to do so during the pandemic, you continue to protect the mist vulnerable within our society and your trojan efforts are very much appreciated.

“I also wish to spare a thought for those residents of nursing homes who will not have the opportunity to spend cherished time with family members this Christmas due to the ongoing presence of the virus,” Cllr O’Rourke remarked.

The Town Mayor commended those Defence Forces members currently working on behalf of the country overseas, noting how “proud and grateful we are as a nation for the work that you do on our behalf”, while further acknowledging those who will work through the festive season to maintain an “essential services presence within the community”.


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