Celebrating creativity in older age

Bealtaine Festival is Ireland’s national arts festival celebrating creativity in older age. This year over 55,000 people all over the country will take part in music, art, dance, writing, photography, theatre, and cinema events. As part of the nationwide festival Roscommon Arts Centre has organised events for active age and retirement groups from May 5 to 29.

As part of Art Attack for Active Retirement Groups, Roscommon Arts Centre has arranged for a number of active retirement groups in Co Roscommon to work on a participatory art project with one of three artists, exploring photography or dance or creative writing in ‘taster sessions’ that are designed to be fun and to increase access to the arts in the county.

Renowned seanchaí and local storyteller Vincent Pierse will also pay visits to nursing homes and care settings each Wednesday of the month to share stories and yarns with residents and recall the magic of times gone by. Applications for these events far outweighed availability and all slots are full; however, active retirement groups, day care centres, and nursing homes are welcome to contact the arts centre to register their interest in any future projects.

As part of the Bealtaine Festival, Roscommon Arts Centre is offering a special ticket price of €12/ticket for over 50s to the upcoming production of Love Letters starring Fair City’s Bob and Renee (Bryan Murray and Una Crawford O’Brien ). Normal ticket price is €18.

More details and booking at Roscommon Arts Centre’s box office (090 ) 6625824.


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