Rethink Ireland calls for applications from Westmeath to €3m Equality Fund

The deadline is approaching for applications from to Rethink Ireland’s €3m Equality Fund. Rethink Ireland is calling on Westmeath groups to apply for grant aid under the scheme before September 14.

The fund is supported by the Peter Kinney and Lisa Sandquist Foundation and the Government of Ireland via the Dormant Accounts Fund (through the Department of Rural and Community Development and the Department of Justice and Equality ).

This €3 million Equality Fund will support civil society groups working with marginalised women, ethnic minority and migrant people, Traveller and Roma communities, people with disabilities, and LGBTI+ people.

The fund closes for applications on Monday, September 14.

Michael Barron, manager of the Equality Fund, said: “Our vision is to support some of the most marginalised communities and to strengthen the equality landscape in Ireland. The need for this fund has become all too apparent this year. Marginalised communities, already on the sharp edge of structural and systemic inequality, have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19.

“We know through our work and research that we must address the systemic issues which affect marginalised communities. We also know that communities are best placed to do this work in an empowered way themselves.”

“This Equality Fund is divided into three open calls for applications. Each strand has a different focus but together they are aimed at strengthening the Equality landscape and tackling systemic inequalities.”

The strands are:

Empowering women: Projects aimed at strengthening equality through supporting greater participation of marginalised and minority women, who are distant from the workplace or who are informally employed, underemployed, in low paying jobs, and who find it difficult to assert their rights.

Strengthening communities: Projects aimed at strengthening equality by supporting some of the most marginalised communities in the country through community work approaches, empowerment and collaborations.

Building equality together: Projects aimed at enhancing the equality landscape in Ireland through innovative and collaborative approaches to sector-wide capacity building.

To apply, visit


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