Athlone Photography Club eagerly prepares to commence new season

Founded in 2013 by relevant enthusiasts, Athlone Photography Club will commence a new season of learning on Tuesday, September 2, at 7.30pm.

Now boasting a membership in excess of 50 persons, thee club’s primary focus is to provide a learning environment for all members regardless of their photographic skills, carried out in a friendly and respectful environment.

The club is affiliated with the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF ) and competes at national levels against other photography clubs, achieving the National Shield in 2015, a competition dedicated to novices and those of intermediate level standard.

Athlone Photography Club also attained top ten standard at the 2019 National Club Finals which is for more advanced and skilled photographers.

Date: 2 SeptemberOnline Event (Zoom )Timing: 7:30 pm

The progressive club weclomes all those with an interest in photography of any skill level and has a very supportive and close knit community of artists who love to learn together. Exciting and interesting events occur throughout the year which help all levels of photographers learn.

Even with the current COVID-19 crisis, Athlone Photography Club will continue to organise events this year, meeting every second Wednesday online with renowned Irish and international photographers set to feature as part of the learning programme in the times to come.

These include Malcolm McCarthy (Macro and Nature, Ireland ), Inaki Hernandez Lasa (Architectural Photography, Spain ), Lynne Morris (Creative Photography, Wales ), Marcel Van Balken (Conceptual Photography, Holland ), Neil Van Niekerk (Portraits and Flash Expert, USA ) and Adrien Louis Maudit (Astro Photography, France ).

New members are welcome. Please contact the club at [email protected] for more information and to receive the Zoom connection link.


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