Government Restart Grant continues to deliver substantial funding to Westmeath businesses

Westmeath businesses have received over €2.7 million to date from the Government’s COVID-19 Restart Grant to assist them in their return to work, Longford/Westmeath Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke, has announced.

“Westmeath County Council is responsible for administering the Government’s Restart Grant and has confirmed that small and micro businesses withinthe county have now been allocated €2,761,600.

“This is crucial to helping local businesses to get back on their feet after what has been such a difficult few months. I commend the Council in the very efficient manner in which they distributed the grants to businesses, within days of the scheme being launched.

“The funding is designed to help businesses with the costs associated with reopening and re-employing workers following COVID-19 closures. Businesses can avail of between €2,000 and €10,000 for this purpose.

“Getting these businesses back open is so important to the revival of our local economy as they are such important employers. Last week, I announced a comprehensive rates waiver, meaning that businesses are not liable for rates between March and September this year.

“My colleague, the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar, is overseeing further targeted supports which have been developed by his Department in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices

“This is in addition to a range of other supports for businesses to help them through the pandemic. The €7.4 billion July Stimulus had a range of measures designed to stimulate a jobs led recovery and build economic confidence while continuing to manage the impact of COVID-19. It will provide a boost to the economy, building confidence and moving us towards a more sustainable future in Westmeath and across all regions of the country.

“The application form for the Restart Grant is available on the Westmeath County Council website and I encourage all micro and small business owners locally to apply for the grant to assist them return to favourable work conditions after COVID-19,” Deputy Burke asserted.


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