An International Women’s Day workshop to take place in Prince of Wales Hotel

The Prince of Wales Hotel Athlone is the venue for an International Women’s Day ‘Build Your Confidence’ workshop to take place on Saturday, March 7, from 11am-12.30pm.

As Oprah Winfrey once commented, “it is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.”

The aim of this event is to spark that feeling of motivation, self-belief, confidence and determination in those present in the room. The organisers will want you to feel inspired leaving after hearing wonderful anecdotes and stories from fellow business women, life coaches and inspirational speakers.

Guest Speakers

Ciara Bruton, an accredited life coach who works with heart-centred sensitive people to start spending their time and energy on what’s actually important to them, instead of drifting, dreaming and wishing.

Marie Nugent, a motivational speaker who believes in encouraging women to tap in to their divine goddess energy, embrace taking control of their lives and to learn how to properly love, value and respect themselves so that they can become their higher self and achieve their goals.

Lucy Carty, Ceo and Founder of Eden Skin and Laser Clinic. A powerhouse local business woman who has worked for twenty years as a registered nurse and now focuses primarily on aesthetics at her clinic. Lucy has a wealth of experience and is an expert in her field of business.

The panel discussion will be led by award-winning blogger, Kerry Manning from FabuliciousFifty, who will speak about her own battle with self-confidence and learning how to remain positive regardless of what obstacles life may throw your way.

Get your tickets now for an inspirational networking event. Tickets include lunchwith tea/coffee. Priced at €15 excluding booking fee, they are available from Eventbrite or hotel reception in advance.


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