‘Giz A Laugh’ creator announces Prince of Wales comedy date

Giz A Laugh’s Enya Martin, creator, writer and performer of the hilarious Facebook and Instagram comedy video page 'Giz A Laugh' is making her comedy debut in Athlone at The Prince of Wales Hotel on Friday, January, 31.

Enya’s stand up show is a guaranteed belly aching night of comedy as she trawls through some of the trials and tribulations of her crazy life. Boyfriends, ex boyfriends, ladyboys, self-service scanners and taxi drivers are on her hit list. Also not forgetting memory loss, ladies toilets and some of her friends shenanigans particularly Big Martina and Stacey.

Doors at the venue will be open from 7pm with show to commence at 8pm. Support will be from Emma Doran.

Tickets €20 (excluding booking fee ) now available via Eventbrite. They're selling fast, so get yours now!


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