Prevalent festive atmosphere noted at annual Moate Christmas Market

Despite the threatening presence of Storm Atiyah which forced stalls relocation to an indoor setting, revellers flocked to Moate Community Centre to sample the festive fare on offer at the annual Christmas markets which took place in the town on Sunday afternoon last.

Speaking following the event, Jimmy Redmond, Moate Action Group, noted that the annual festive occasion was a success despite traders having to relocate their stalls to an indoor setting.

“Our Christmas Market was a success on the day with stall holders happy that the occasion was not cancelled and we were able to find a indoor venue at such short notice and in that regard, we would like to thank Community Centre for the use of the facility.

“Our committee deserves great credit as it was their their inaugural time hosting this event. We cannot control the weather and although we lost out on the atmosphere of the street, there was a great feeling of festive friendship and camaraderie in the Community Centre during the day.

“We had great crowds in the centre from 12pm until 6pm and people were full of praise for the efforts made to ensure that the market went ahead. We would like to thank Supermac’s for sponsoring the busking competition and it was great to see each participant get their opportunity to perform on the balcony. Peadars Bar, News 4 U and Al’s of Moate also must be thanked for their sponsorship of the live band on the day.

“Santa was a big attraction with each child received a free gift. Our committee have plans to improve the market for 2020 and anyone interested in joining the committee are more than welcome,” Jimmy enthused.


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