Monksland sewerage investment primed to support local jobs

Local TD Denis Naughten has welcomed a €2m investment from Irish Water to upgrade the wastewater treatment facilities in Monksland noting that the planned works will “help support existing and new businesses in the Monksland area in providing additional local jobs.”

“The treatment plant in Monksland is the biggest and most important wastewater treatment plant in County Roscommon. It supports major employers in the local area and will allow for future expansion of these companies over the coming years.

“Without providing this additional capacity it would limit the growth of the area, its potential to attract new jobs as well as threatening the important angling resource which is the Cross River,” Deputy Naughten stressed.

The works, once complete will increase capacity, and provide a platform for growth and development in Monksland and the surrounding areas, enable the wastewater treatment plant to handle increased storm water overflows protecting the receiving waters of the River Shannon and reduce the risk of non compliance with the Wastewater Treatment Regulations.

The works are being carried out by Glan Agua and are due to be substantially completed in December. The new works include the construction of a preliminary treatment works including inlet works, screens, grit removal, improved controls, improvements to the sludge handling facilities. The construction of a storm tank and overflow system will allow the wastewater treatment plant to handle increased flows in high rain fall events to ensure compliance with the Wastewater Treatment Regulations.

Commenting on the programme, Eunan Canvan, Irish Water, said “the Monksland Wastewater Treatment Plant is the largest, and one of the most important in County Roscommon. As a utility, Irish Water is responsible for returning treated effluent safely back to the environment. This upgrade will protect the receiving waters of the River Shannon and ensure that waste from homes and businesses meets all wastewater treatment regulations.”


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