Sometimes I encounter confusion in the business community about the role of a Business Coach. One perception is that a Business Coach comes into your business gives advice or tells you what to do and leaves. In other words, someone who tells you how you should run your business. If you have had experience of this in the past then you have not hired a Business Coach.
Remember, nobody knows your business better than you. A Business Coach will work with you to define and set clear directions to achieve a desired result or goal along with holding you accountable to achieve that desired result or goal.
Examples could be to increase your number of customers; increase your turnover and profit; increase staff performance; improve business process and efficiency, or expand or scale up your business (open new outlets ).
In the relationship between the coach and you the business owner, it is the responsibility of the business coach to observe, listen and ask probing questions to help clarify the goal or outcome you want to achieve; maintain unconditional positive regard towards you; the coach is at all times supportive and non-judgmental of your views, and your business aspirations; use questioning techniques and tools to facilitate your thought process; provide you with different perspectives to consider; help to formulate an action plan to achieve the goal and methods of assessing progress and encourage a commitment to action on the goal and hold you accountable as the plan is being executed.
If you are seeking to follow through on your goals and grow your business why not call me on 087 705 8989, or email me at to discuss it further and make your goals a reality.