Website helps motorist save money

Athlone motorists can save up to 10 cent a litre if they are prepared to shop around for diesel.

According to the website the cheapest diesel in Athlone can be purchased at Esso, The Grove, Baylough, and Applegreen, Arcadia, at 135.9 cent per litre, while the dearest diesel featured on the website is at Maxol, Joe Lynch & Sons, Lakeview, Galway Road, Athlone, at 145.9 cent. Other Athlone garages quoted were Esso, Monksland Service Station, Old Galway Road (136.9 cent ), TOP, Roscommon Road (138.9 cent ), Maxol, Dublin Road (138.9 cent ) and Statoil, Dublin Road, also at 138.9 cent and Statoil, Mulligan's, Baylough, Roscommon Road, 140.9 cent.

The cheapest petrol to be found in Athlone is at Esso, Monksland Service Station, and Esso, The Grove, Baylough,which retails for 127.9 cent. The next cheapest is TOP, Roscommon Road, Statoil, Dublin Road and Maxol, Dublin Road, at 128.9 cent. They are followed by Applegreen at 129.9 cent, Statoil, Mulligan's, Baylough, at 130.9 cent and Maxol Joe Lynch & Sons, at 135.9 cent. There is only one entry for Mullingar, which is Tesco, Ashe Road, which is selling petrol for 129.9 cent per litre.

The average price of a litre of petrol is now 129.9 cent, down four cent from last month, while diesel has fallen four cent also to an average price of 139.9 cent per litre. It is the cheapest that fuel has been since May. Figures from the Automobile Association, show that petrol prices have risen from 118.9 cent per litre to 133.5 cent per litre from the start of the year until July. Diesel meanwhile, has increased in price from 119.6 cent a litre to 143.8 cent per litre.


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