Ensuring female health and vitality supplements this summer

Summer often brings long balmy evenings sipping chilled white wine alfresco, delicious barbeques, ice cream cones, creamy salads, beer gardens and holiday cheer.

The tastes, the smells of summer are undeniably pleasurable but as a nation of ‘grazers’ and it is having an effect on our digestive health. One in five Irish people experience ongoing gastrointestinal problems like bloating, constipation or diarrhoea. Stress has unfortunately become an inevitable part of modern life and women are also prone to iron deficiency and pregnancy or hormonal related discomfort. Beeline Healthcare have a range of supplements to help relieve symptoms of stress, poor digestion and contribute to women’s overall health and vitality over the summer months.

Beeline FIBE has been scientifically proven to help optimise the levels of friendly bacteria in the intestine vital for good health and vitality and helps maintain digestive balance. Fibe capsules contain four billion friendly bacteria along with Vitamins C, B6 and Vitamin D which help to support the immune system and also contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Beeline Vitality triple action vitamins support women’s general health, vitality and wellbeing. It contains key vitamins Iron, Vitamin D and Folic Acid which support brain health, the immune system and contribute to a reduction in fatigue. Folic Acid is also highly recommended for women of childbearing age as it helps prevent neural defects developing in the fetus.

Beeline Evening Primrose Oil plays an important role in female metabolism by maintaining hormonal balance, healthy skin and supple joints. Each capsule has added Vitamin E to help promote healthy looking skin. Beeline Evening Primrose Oil can help hormonal balance before and during menstruation.

Beeline Folic Acid is recommended that Folic Acid be taken for 14 weeks prior to pregnancy and for 12 weeks after pregnancy. Studies have shown that Folic Acid significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects developing in the foetus during pregnancy.

Beeline Iron Sustained Release capsules release iron gradually throughout the day using a breakthrough formula which ensures the steady release of Iron over a 24 hour period. They are also gentle on the stomach. Iron is an essential mineral needed to produce healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body but during pregnancy, women’s iron needs are higher.

The new Vegetarian Multivitamin range is a tailored food supplement including vitamins B12, D3 and iron. There has been a huge increase in the number of vegetarians and vegans in recent years and also a reduction in the consumption of meat. Such a diet may lead to a deficiency of certain key nutrients such as B12, Vitamin D3 and iron. This may result in tiredness and fatigue. Beeline has created two new products specifically to help support the nutritional need of Vegetarians and Vegans which have been approved by the Vegetarian society.


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