Luan Gallery hosts informative and detailed artists talk event

The Luan Gallery was the riverside venue for the well attended winter instalment of an artists talk on Saturday afternoon as host, Eoin Butler, introduced Dr. Kay O’Brien for an informative discussion with regard to his exhibition ‘Now and Then, Here and There’, which is on display to the general public at present.

Dr. Kay O Brien is an artist and an educator who has worked at St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, Dublin alongside exhibiting artist Eoin Butler for over twenty years.

‘Now & Then, Here & There’ addresses themes of memory, the passing of time and our interaction with the environment through the use of colour and oblique lines. Eoin uses Charcoal on paper and Oil on Canvas to capture the essence of nature. The colours used in the artist’s abstract paintings illustrate the changes in the landscape as time goes by, creating a peaceful ambiance within the gallery space.

Dr. Kay O`Brien and Eoin Butler walked attendees through the variety of traditional genres seen throughout the exhibition from figurative to landscape and still life paintings and discussed in depth the reasoning behind the exhibition.

‘Now and Then, Here and There’ is open for public viewing at the Luan Gallery until February 9. Admission is free.


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