Harmony Hall steeped in elegant Georgian grandeur and tradition

Introducing Harmony Hall, an exceptionally large Georgian residence sitting on eight acres of gardens and pasture at the village of Glasson, Athlone, an area of outstanding natural beauty and is designated a Grade 1 protected structure and has important architectural features including a wide tripartite doorcase, a double internal fanlight, a wyatt window on the second floor and an internal well.

One of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in Westmeath with an abundance of original Georgian features, Harmony Hall was built in 1789 for a descendent of the Caulfield family. It is described in detail in ‘The Houses and Landed Families of Westmeath’.

The house, which is approached via an attractive gateway and drive 500m from the main road, sits on eight acres, is surrounded by pastureland and within its demesnes, a stable block, a bee house and a pigeon house.

It has been occupied by the current owners for thirty owners.


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