Traditional wholesome homemade soda bread

This is a delicious, easy to make and healthy bread recipe, courtesy of the team at Bord Bia.


250g of wholemeal flour

200g of plain white flour

1 teaspoon of bread soda, sieved

1 teaspoon of salt

1 egg

350ml of buttermilk, approximately

1 teaspoon of honey

Optional topping

1 tablespoon of sesame seeds or pinhead porridge oats

To cook

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6, 200°C (400°F ).

Mix the flour, bread soda and salt together in a bowl. Combine the egg with the buttermilk and honey then mix into the flour. Add a little more buttermilk if the mixture is dry – it should be a soft dough.

Pour the lot into a lightly oiled loaf tin. Sprinkle the sesame seeds or porridge oats over the top of the loaf if using.

Bake for 45 to 50 minutes. To know when it is cooked, simply tap the bottom of the loaf. It will sound hollow when it is fully cooked.

Remove from the tin and wrap in a clean tea towel while cooling. This will keep the crust soft.



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