Busy weekend for Lough Ree RNLI Volunteers

As the summer continues, Lough Ree RNLI volunteers had a busy weekend with three launch requests in 36 hours to assist ten people in three separate incidents.

The services of the Lough Ree RNLI volunteers were requested initially on Saturday afternoon to assist five people aboard two private vessels that had run aground east of Inchenagh Island to the North of Lough Ree. Conditions on the lake at the time were very blustery with a force four wind with very heavy rain showers and choppy waters prevalent.

When the lifeboat crew arrived on scene, one vessel was still aground, while the second vessel, a barge with one person, had freed itself and did not require assistance. The first vessel had two adults and two children onboard. Having determined all onboard were in good health and the vessel was not taking on water the lifeboat crew members proceeded to tow the vessel into safe water where they were able to continue under their own power to Portrunny.

Later that evening, the lifeboat crew were requested to assist two people onboard a vessel that had run around in Bantry Bay on the North Eastern shore of Lough Ree. While enroute to provide assistance, the Coast Guard advised the Lifeboat Volunteers that the casualty vessel had been in contact to say they had refloated, but the Coast Guard requested the lifeboat crew to continue on their assistance mission to ensure that onboard were safe, which they were.

The third call out occurred on Sunday evening. At 5.05pm, the lifeboat volunteers were once again called into action when two people onboard a vessel went around near Inch Cleraun on the Western side of Lough Ree. Conditions on Sunday were slightly overcast with a force 2-3 breeze and a very slight chop on the water. The lifeboat crew were quickly on scene and having assessed the vessel for damage, towed her into deeper waters and then established an alongside tow to bring her into Portrunny Harbour.

Speaking today, Lough Ree RNLI Press Officer, Sarah Bradbury urged caution on the water as the bank holiday weekend approached

"As we approach the August Bank Holiday Weekend, we would like to remind everyone to respect the water, when out on the water always wear your lifejacket and carry a means of communication, either a mobile phone or a VHF radio, so you can request assistance if needed," Ms. Bradbury stressed.


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