Glasson farmers to the fore at Lakeland Dairies milk quality awards event

Two Glasson farmers were rewarded for their prowess at the Lakeland Dairies Milk Quality awards. Conor and John Spollen’s achievements in the dairy sector were rewarded in the ‘New Entrants to Dairy Farming’ category as they claimed the top award in acknowledgement of the exceptional quality of milk they regularly produce.

The awards, which acknowledge the farming community from both sides of the border, publicly recognise the achievements of Lakeland Dairies’ milk suppliers who are committed to efficiency and quality in all aspects of their milk production.

The awards were presented by Business Enterprise and Innovation Minister, Deputy Heather Humphreys TD, together with Lakeland Dairies’ Chairman Alo Duffy and Group CEO, Michael Hanley at a special ceremony held in Cavan.

Congratulating the winners, Minister Humphreys said, ‘over the next five years, Ireland will continue to be among the world’s fastest growing dairy producers as a global leader in terms of the safety, sustainability and traceability of our production from family farms, through our processing facilities and onwards to consumers in markets across the world. The winners of these awards are exemplary because, through their dedication and commitment, they are supporting our country’s justified and hard earned worldwide reputation for quality. Based on these achievements, I am confident that we will continue to be competitive and successful and I congratulate all of the members of Lakeland Dairies for the great progress that is being achieved by this farmer owned co-operative.’


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