Local communities to benefit from RAPID programme

At the monthly Athlone Municipal District meeting, Councillors present were briefed in detail by Ms. Annette Barr-Jordan, Community Development, on the RAPID Programme Plan for 2018.

Revitalising Areas through Planning, Investment and Development (RAPID ), the programme is implemented to support local communities as they engage with the relevant statutory agencies regarding the wellbeing of their areas.

Promoting sustainable communities through the provision of resources and expertise, the RAPID programme also facilitates and encourages the establishment and maintenance of groups in the designated neighbourhoods.

Self-reliance and volunteering within the chosen residential areas is also encouraged as part of the programme.

Those residential areas which have been selected for inclusion in this year’s RAPID Programme are Willow Park, Battery Heights, Ashdale/Woodlands Grove, Sarsfield Square and Blackberry Lane.

With an investment of €20,000 to be apportioned equally amongst the five residential areas, each neighbourhood has designated a selection of work programmes which they shall deem to undertake during the year with the funds allocated.

Potential outcomes as part of the RAPID Programme should lead, Ms. Barr-Jordan said, ‘to strong, sustainable communities, decreased anti-social behaviour, increased levels of satisfaction and an enhanced quality of life for families and individuals residing in the areas.’

Concluding her presentation, Ms. Barr-Jordan added that ‘vibrant communities with strong and positive links to the Athlone Municipal District can only but be of benefit to all parties.’


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