Love and independence in Paris

Galway Film Society to screen Summertime

FEMINISM, LESBIANISM, independence, and the challenges of love, family, and duty will be explored in French film Summertime which the Galway Film Society wil screen in the Town Hall Theatre this Sunday at 8pm.

In 1970s France, Delphine moves to Paris to break free from the shackles of her family and to gain independence. She meets Carole, an activist involved in the feminist movement. Cue a passionate, all-consuming affair, until Delphine's father has a stroke, and everything comes to a dramatic halt. Carole follows Delphine to the family home, but only when she enters this world does she realise what is at stake for both of them.

Tickets are available from the Town Hall on 091 - 569777 or The film will also be shown by Club Scannán Sailearna, Indreabhán, on Thursday October 20 at 8.15pm. See


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