Take a Lecherous Gaze at ‘rock-punk heavy jams’

LECHEROUS GAZE’S music fits somewhere between garage and stoner rock, but they prefer to describe themselves as playing “psycho-delic shred-tastic ultra-hyphened rock-punk heavy jams.”

The American quartet - Graham Clise (guitar ), Chris Grande (bass ) Noel Sullivan (drums ), and Zaryan Zaidi (vocals ) - will play music that will fit all the above descriptions at The Cellar this Monday at 8pm.

The band are currently on tour promoting their new album Zeta Reticuli Blues, which is out via Tee Pee Records. The Sleeping Shaman webzine called it “punked-up, psychedelically-tinged rock and roll; a smash-up of ’60s and ’70s hard rock, punk and metal influences (MC5 to Black Sabbath to AC/DC to The Ramones )”. The band’s previous releases are the On The Skids album and the 2011 eponymous EP.

The gig is organised by HexenHaus Promotions. Support is from Dublin rockers Wizards Of Firetop Mountain and local bands Between The Lines and Doppelskangers. Admission is €4.


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