Kinetic helps sheds light on new Rape Crisis Centre campaign

A powerful new campaign is being launched by the Rape Crisis Centre in Galway.

In conjunction with Kinetic, the Out of Home media planning and buying specialists, and Universal McCann, the innovative poster campaign will be launched across locations in Galway, including Griffin Road and Goal Road near Galway Cathedral.

Aimed at victims of rape and sexual abuse, the campaign utilises innovative materials to help promote both the national and regional help-lines, and to convey a message of hope.

Printed with special, heat sensitive ink, when the posters are exposed to sunlight, the negative feelings expressed on the faces of the victims, literally start to fade, therefore reflecting the benefit of talking to someone on the helpline.

Commenting on the campaign, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, CEO of the Rape Crisis Centre said: “This is a simple message we want to convey to survivors of sexual violence – that they are not alone, and that talking can help their negative feelings fade. The use of a UV-reactive ink in the printing of the posters, gives us the opportunity to not only express this with words, but to demonstrate it physically too. We appreciate the creative input of Kinetic in this unique campaign.”

Gráinne Dilleen, communications manager, Kinetic commented: “Kinetic is delighted to team up with the Rape Crisis Centre for this important Out of Home campaign. The posters, by using the UV reactive ink, create a powerful image of hope effectively communicating the message of the progression from dark to light for victims of sexual violence.”

The national 24-hour helpline for victims of rape and sexual abuse is 1800 77 88 88 or visit for more details.


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