Hyperbaric oxygenation: A promising aid in breast cancer care

Breast cancer remains a significant health concern, affecting countless lives each year. In the pursuit of improved outcomes and quality of life for patients, hyperbaric oxygenation (HBOT ) has emerged as a valuable addition to treatment protocols.

HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised environment, which significantly increases oxygen levels in the bloodstream. This increased oxygen delivery aids in the healing process, reducing the risk of post-surgery complications following breast cancer surgery. Complications like infection and delayed wound healing are less likely when HBOT is introduced as a part of the treatment plan.

Patients that undergo reconstructive breast surgery often rely on skin grafts and flaps. HBOT's ability to promote tissue healing and reduce inflammation can substantially improve the success rate of these procedures. It aids in preserving the blood supply to the grafts and flaps, minimising the risk of compromised outcomes, and enhancing healing outcomes.

HBOT can also aid patients who need radiation therapy, a common element in breast cancer treatment that can cause skin injuries, like radiation dermatitis. HBOT shows promise in easing radiation injury symptoms, reducing pain, and facilitating skin healing, which can improve patients' comfort throughout and after radiation therapy.

In conclusion, hyperbaric oxygenation has demonstrated several benefits in breast cancer care. It reduces the risk of post-surgery complications, enhances the success of reconstructive surgery, and alleviates the symptoms of radiation injuries, ultimately contributing to better overall outcomes and improved quality of life for breast cancer patients. While it's not a standalone treatment, its inclusion in a comprehensive treatment plan can be an asset in the fight against breast cancer. Contact OxyGeneration on 091 394444 for more information.


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