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Gardai probe burglaries at golf club and premises

Gardai in the city and county are investigating a series of break-ins that occurred on the same day last week.

At approximately 3.45 am on Tuesday Sept 13, Gort Golf Club, Castlequarter, Gort was broken into and extensive damage caused to the property.

A dark coloured saloon car was observed in the area around the time of the break in. The Gardaí in Gort would like to speak with anyone who has information on this vehicle or on this incident in Castlequarter on Monday night/Tuesday morning.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Gort Garda Station on 091-636400.

Between 7 pm and 8 pm that evening, a commercial premises was broken into at Newtownsmith, Galway.

Gardaí in Galway are asking anyone who may have noticed anything suspicious in the Newtownsmith area on Tuesday evening last between, 7 pm and 8 pm to make contact with investigating Gardaí.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Galway Garda Station on 091-538000 or the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111.

Range Rover stolen from

Labane garage

A group of thieves made away with a blue Range Rover from a car sales garage in Labane, Galway on Tuesday.

This happened at about 1.15amon Sept 20 when four individuals were captured on CCTV, getting of another vehicle, possibly an Audi.

They gained access to the vehicle and stole it from the garage. This is a distinctive vehicle, a new blue Range Rover Sport STR with black sport alloys.

If anyone has information on this vehicle, or the Audi which arrived at the scene or any information of relevance, please contact Gort Gardai 091 636400, where Garda Brian Howley is investigating. Alternatively contact any Garda Station or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111. Any assistance would be appreciated


Appeal for witnesses after Sandy Road hit and run

Gardaí in Galway are appealing for witnesses to a hit-and-run road traffic collision that took place on Sandy Road, Galway on between 1am and 1.30am on Monday last.

A young woman was walking on the footpath on Sandy Road, Galway, coming from Cemetery Cross in the direction of the Headford Road when she was struck from behind by a vehicle that failed to remain at the scene.

Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have been in the area and witnessed the incident or anyone with any information in relation the vehicle involved to please come forward.

They are also appealing to anyone who was in the area between 1 am and 1.30 am on Monday morning that may have dash-cam footage to make contact with investigating Gardaí at Galway Garda Station on 091 538000 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111.


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