Search Results for 'voice actor'
4 results found.
Akumakon 2020 - a weekend of Anime and Manga
AKUMAKON, THE annual Galway-based non-profit convention celebrating Japanese anime and manga, and Japanese culture, run by NUI Galway students, returns to the university campus this weekend.
Scarface: The World is Yours
Nowadays movies being reinterpreted as games is commonplace. You only have to think of the likes of Spiderman, Batman: Arkham, and Star Wars: Battlefront II as examples that went from the big screen to our personal monitors in recent years. However, during the 1990s and early 2000s, it was the opposite that was true with mega games such as the Tomb Raider and Resident Evil series going from pixelated images on non HD TVs to cinema screens. So when Scarface: The World is Yours came out for the PS2 in July 2006, it may not have been one of the first efforts of taking a movie and making it into a game but arguably one the finest.
Akumakon 2018 - three days of anime and manga
AKUAMKON - GALWAY'S annual celebration of anime and manga, and Japanese culture - returns for its eighth year, with this year's special guests including Josh Grelle, an American voice actor on Attack On Titan, and Hirokazu Yashuhara, best known for his work on the Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! voice actor in Galway in January
ERIC STUART, a leading voice actor in some of the most popular and enduring modern cartoon series, as well as a musician who has toured with Ringo Starr and Lynyrd Skynyrd, is coming to Akumakon 2017.