Search Results for 'the Angelus'

8 results found.

The May procession

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The month of May is named for and dedicated to Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Many people like to honour the Virgin during that month by putting up a May altar in their house, usually on a small table or sideboard covered with a white cloth. In the place of honour is a Marian picture or statue and it is decorated with May flowers. In some parishes they have a ceremony where they crown an image of Mary with paste jewels, and in others, they hold a May procession in which those taking part walk bareheaded (weather permitting), in decent costume and with reverent mien. Clergy and laity, men and women, are separated. The cross is usually carried at the head, and sometimes banners embroidered with sacred pictures. These often represent sodalities but should never be of military or triangular in shape.

Kennedy, Diana, 9/11 and O’Cuiv’s monumental decision

There are among you people who can remember exactly where you were when Kennedy was shot down in Dallas, when Diana died in that tunnel in Paris, where you heard about the horrors of 9/11, when Michael Jackson was rushed by ambulance to the hospital in Los Angeles. They were all events that marked out our lives, momentous you could call them, just as we will no doubt all remember where we were when this week we heard that Eamon O Cuiv was to make the most difficult decision of his life...and stay in Fianna Fail.

People that my family knew...

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My grandmother was born in Moylough, Co Galway, in 1890, and when I knew her she projected an image of Irish Catholic propriety. She went to daily Mass, and stopped to say the Angelus at noon and 6pm. She was generous with the price of a jacket or a ‘smart’ pair of shoes if she felt that I looked a bit shabby. She’d make my mother jealous by making the best chocolate cake ever!

Abbey bells to ring in Christmas for first time in three decades

The bells of the Abbey Church in St Francis’ Street will ring in Christmas and the New Year for the first time in more than 30 years this week following a massive restoration project on the church.

Callan church facelift finally revealed

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After four years of construction work, Callan parish church is to finally shed it’s shackles and display it’s new facade and bell tower for the people of Kilkenny next week.

Paddy’s Day protester has sentencing put back

The woman who made a drunken protest to Deputy Mary O'Rourke on the St Patrick's Day reviewing stand with an inflatable hammer was told “prison was on the line for you” as her sentencing was adjourned for a number of weeks to await a probation report.

Church bell rings again in Callan Parish church

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For some years now the people of Callan and visitors to the area will have seen the façade of the parish church covered in scaffolding. The good news is that most of the scaffolding will soon be disappearing and people will once again be able to view the newly refurbished lower section of the church façade.

From the people who brought you wife swapping sodomites...

Just eight days more til we do our democratic duty and put Lisbon to bed but already, things are hotting up.


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