Search Results for 'someone online'
4 results found.
Gardai warn public after €25m stolen in investment fraud
An Garda Síochána is advising the public to pay particular close attention when considering any potential investments given the significant rise in investment fraud. A total €25,360,000 was reported stolen in 2023- In the first two months of 2024, over 55 people have reported investment fraud- In the past four years, almost €60 million has been stolen from victims of investment fraud in Ireland.
Councillors and officials don’t deserve the vicious abuse
And so it has come to this. That after a robust debate and process of consultation on the local issue which saw the highest level of engagement for decades, what has come to light is the extent of the written threats and online abuse that emanated over the past few weeks.
‘We want to tell the Irish people, France is your closest neighbour’
Ireland may geographically be closer to Britain, but politically, with Brexit, and the UK becoming a ‘third country outside the EU, France is now the Republic’s closest neighbour - a relationship the French are keen to develop and deepen.
Advice on How to Move from Online Conversation to a Real Date
You have found someone online that is very interesting and attractive to you. So, how do you go about getting them to go out on a real date with you? It can be difficult to make this come true, but the ways below may help you. Pay attention to these tips, and you’ll reap the rewards!