Search Results for 'sewage systems'

7 results found.

Enjoy free yoga by the shore in Galway with Think Before You Flush

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The Think Before You Flush campaign has partnered with the Galway Atlantaquaria and Sinéad Mc Kiernan of Move & Breathe to deliver a family friendly yoga session followed by a beach clean. A presentation on water quality and how our activities in our bathrooms and kitchens can impact Irelands marine environment will play after the clean. The next free events take place at Ladies Beach in Salthill on June, 15 at 10am followed by Grattan Beach (Salthill) on June, 22 at 10am. All are welcome to join!

Galway Educate Together School group visit Grattan Beach to learn about campaign

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Last weekend Galway Educate Together National School, hosted a clean-up on Grattan Beach with ‘Think Before You Flush’, a campaign operated by Clean Coasts in partnership with Uisce Éireann. The purpose of the event was to inform the students on which items should and should not be flushed down the toilet, helping to protect their local environment and the coastal amenities of Salthill and Galway.

Collaboration at Claddagh with Citizen Science

Clean Coasts together with Shore Things, a Galway City Partnership initiative headed to the popular Claddagh Beach to collect scientific data as part of citizen science research recently.

Westport is a Think Before You Flush community

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Think Before You Flush is a public awareness campaign operated by Clean Coasts in partnership with Irish Water, addressing the issue of flushing unsuitable items down the toilet.

Westport make-up artist teams up with the Think Before You Flush campaign

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Kate Golden, a makeup artist from Westport, is teaming up with the Think Before You Flush campaign, to invite the people of Westport to make small changes in their flushing behaviour.

'If I want to achieve anything, I hope it will be Galway as a special place to live'

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Walking through Galway city centre with Niall McNelis is something of a stop-start experience, albeit a most cordial nature. He seems to know every second person we pass, and given he has just been elected Mayor of Galway City, a lot of people want to wish him well. “I swear, these are not plants!” he jokes. “It’s not staged! But I have been flabbergasted by the amount of good will.”

Robert MacDonald, sanitary and heating engineer

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This photograph was taken in 1900 of the staff of Robert MacDonald, the plumber from Dominick Street. The business was started by his father, Peter MacDonald (late manager for Ross and Murray), who advertised himself in 1887 as “Plumber, Brassfounder and Gasfitter”.


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