Search Results for 'proper healthcare'
3 results found.
Now is the time for Real Change - Conway-Walsh

Mayo Sinn Féin Senator Rose Conway-Walsh has welcomed the calling of the General Election for Saturday, February 8, saying now is the time for Mayo people to vote for the change that’s needed to give workers and families a break in the county.
Sinn Féin hit back at Fianna Fáil over cuts to home help hours

Sinn Féin councillor and general election candidate Cllr Rose Conway Walsh said this week that Fianna Fáil's protesting at cuts in home help hours "run hollow" as they themselves slashed home help hours during their last term in government. Cllr Conway Walsh said this week: "Fianna Fail's protestations over the 9,000 hours cut from home help hours in Mayo since 2012 by Fine Gael run hollow when they themselves cut 32,000 hours of home help in the county in just one year period from August 21 2009 to August 31 2010.